Monday, November 23, 2015


      It's that time of year again, Xmas prep fest, aka Thanksgiving. Every year it seems like the red and green encroach on the beautiful fall colors earlier and earlier. And every year people succumb to "feeling festive". I manage to stave it off in two ways: 1. because I live in Southern California so it's hard to feel festive when it's 80 outside. 2. by refusing to give into capitalism.
     It is rare that people will feel "like Xmas season" because they want to give to the poor, and cook for those less fortunate. The holiday spirit usually causes people to buy stuff they don't need or start making their list of demands for relatives. So why not fight it off for just a few more days!!
      Thanksgiving is a great holiday because there are no presents, no status symbols (other than having food on your table), no obnoxious social media posts about what everybody did or didn't get. This holiday was created to celebrate two cultures coming together, sharing a meal (before we stole their land and killed most of them) and finding a warm moment right before it gets super chilly.
     I feel that this holiday is even more important this year.  Over the past month I'm sure we've all seen our social media pages fill with bigoted fearful posts. I'd love for one day, if people could just fill space with the love of their family and friends. And take the time to think about how many of us in this country are here because the people we came from wanted to be in America.
So hug your family, crunch some fall leaves, and eat a big meal before we hunker down for winter!!

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