Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Nudity in Nature

Pretending to be a tree nymph

     I was going to write about San Diego Pride today, but with the storm I only got one good photo and we were at the event for a mere 20 minutes before we were freezing. So instead we're gonna talk about a shoot I did about a month ago!
     Being a model I've gotten tons of offers to to nude or implied nude shots, and until this point, I've said no. But after working with this fantastic Make Up artist twice in 3 weeks, I decided to take a leap and take a step outside my comfort zone. And I loved every second of it.
     Hair and Makeup began at 3:30 in the morning. We shot at sunrise at a secret place in Southern California (no I'm not telling you where). The other wonderful women worked together seamlessly to create a gorgeous styled shoot. By the end of our time together I was dirty, exhausted, and incredibly comfortable in my own skin.
    This experience led me to the brilliant conclusion: Everyone should feel fantastic being naked.

     I'm not saying that everyone should whip off their clothes and jump in front of a camera, but you should experience your body unencumbered by clothes. I've always liked having less boundaries between me and my environment, whether that involved walking in the woods barefoot or finding a good place in a tree to curl up. But this adventure was beyond any of those. There were no jeans riding up, no t-shirts twisting into my armpits, no socks slowly bunching up around the arch of my foot. I was able to become fully aware of my body and how it connects to the earth around me.

     So go for it! Clean your room in your underwear, make a sandwich in the nude, don't huddle in a towel while you wait for the water to warm up. (But maybe make sure your blinds are closed before doing any of these things). 
     I'm so grateful that I was able to have this experience with some wonderful humans, and I hope every person on earth can feel the same about their body at some point in their life.

Photographer: The Heart's Haven
Hair, Makeup& Styling: Thorne Artistry

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