Monday, December 28, 2015

New Year, Newish You

     Every year we each make our own  resolutions and goals for the new year, and I'm sure you will see heaps of lists about what you should and shouldn't do in the new year. Drink more water, eat more tacos, go plant based clean vegan, buy higher thread count sheets, whatever. And some of those may apply to you and others may not, so here is a piece of advice that I think everyone should follow in the new year: Try Something New!
     I don't mean a variation of something that you already know how to kind of do. I mean something that you have never done before. There are enough pinterest boards and YouTube tutorials out there to jump in the great unknown, so do it!
A few months ago I saw a couple embroidery hoops at an estate sale and remembered that embroidery was something that I always thought I wanted to do, but has never tried. And instead of talking myself out of it, or doing research, I just went for it (granted it was like a 4$ decision, so if it went terribly, it wouldn't be the worst thing).
 Here are some things I've learned since teaching myself how to embroider a couple months ago:
1. It's okay to be bad at stuff. It's okay to be awful at stuff. "Sucking at something is the first step to becoming sorta good at something." -Jake the Dog
2. Other people are better than you at stuff, and it's all good. Don't look at other peoples work to compare yourself; you've just begun, you're not supposed to be great. Just because someone else is better than you doesn't mean you should stop doing what you're trying to do.
3. Any little improvement is a win. Celebrate a little when you learn a new stitch, or can remember what warrior 1 looks like, or when you can finally mix paints to get the color you want. You're starting at the bottom so any step up is pretty awesome!
4. Challenges are great and you're great. Keep working and improving and struggling!

Solid Advice from Tracy Jordan
  Also, challenging your brain with new tasks is key to lifelong neuroplasticity and brain health, so that's always good.

Get Festive
 So jump in this new year with 2 inexperienced feet! Try something new! Dream big! Go Crazy!

My favorite piece so far, a gift for my mom
PS- Most of these are for sale on Narts and Crafts!

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