Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Rocksbox: Gems for Rent

     A little while ago I got a chance to work with an awesome company out of San Francisco called Rocksbox. Basically they let to rent out 3 pieces of designer jewelry at a time for a flat monthly rate. It gets delivered to your door in this adorable little box and you have some fab pieces to wear for as long as you want! And since you're hearing about it from me you can try a month for FREE by using the code beckapalterxoxo.

     Wanna know more?
      When you sign up you fill out a personal style quiz so you can let them know if you have strict jewelry preferences, or a specific event coming up or anything like that.  Then you can browse their giant collection of gorgeous gems to see if there's any specific pieces you're dying to have.  You can even connect them with your instagram so so you just comment #wishlist on a photo and it pops right into your list! Once you've done all that you get assigned a personal stylist so that you are sure to get the personal experience you deserve and get gems that are perfectly suited to you.

    You may be saying: I don't wear fancy jewelry, how can they match my style, blah blah blah.
    Here's the thing.  We all deserve a treat, and wouldn't it be awesome if that was treat was free, and came wrapped up in an adorable bow and you got to show it off for a whole month!? I don't wear fancy jewelry either, and I loved rocking these simple gorgeous pieces.  I've got quite an eclectic style and they still work with my wardrobe, and since I'm not making a huge monetary investment, I'm not worried about them matching with every outfit. 
Hexagons are my favorite shape :]

     And if you end up loving a piece, you can keep it.  They even give you 10$ a month in Shine Cash to put towards any piece (which are already on an insider's discount). 

Basically it's a no lose situation. But if you've got any questions, ask me, or check out their page.  And try them for free by using code: beckapalterxoxo

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